Subscription dues are just like a magazine subscription. It gives you 365 days of membership in the VFW. With this being the first year that they are coming into effect it will be a process that we are not use to. The basic breakdown of what is going to happen is:

If you are an annual member and you pay your dues before Jan your expiration will be Jan 2015. If you pay after that date whatever day your dues are processed at National will be the new expiration date. Example would be that you send in your dues to National on 1 Feb 2015 and National processed them on the 15 Feb. Your new expiration date would be 15 Feb 2016.

Annual membership Dues $35 for VFW Post 9668 Urbandale/Johnston and due on the anniversary of the date you joined the VFW or the date of annual renewal.

Student Vet's Annual membership is $20.

"Why is the Veteran Important?"


"My Pledge to Our Veterans"


 Polk County River Place
2309 Euclid Avenue, Des Moines IA 20313
Phone:  (515) 286-3670, 
Fax: (515) 286-2106
Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m.  4:30 p.m.

VFW Post 9668 meets the first Monday of the month at 7pm, at the Urbandale American Legion Hall, 6805 Douglas Avenue, Urbandale, IA 50322-3439. Talk to any Post member about joining. Please check our calendar as some months we do meet on the second Monday due to Federal Holidays.
Can also email Post Adjutant Jack Lingelbach at adj@vfw9668.org.